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Fun facts about the state of Virginia

Virginia Public Facts

Virginia State Facts

Here are some Virginia fun facts you probably didn't know about:

  1. Virginia is known as "the birthplace of a nation".
  2. Jamestown was the first English settlement in the U.S. It was also the first capital of Virginia.
  3. George Washington's home, Mount Vernon, is located in Virginia.
  4. Union Passenger Railway was the first successful electric street railway transit agency. It was formed in 1888 at Richmond.
  5. The first peanuts grown in the United States were grown in Virginia.
  6. In Virginia more people work for the United States government than any other industry. About 1/4 of Virginia's workers.
  7. Bristol is legally two cities but they share the same main street. One in Virginia and one in Tennessee each with its own government and city services.

Other Virginia state facts:

  • Virginia State Tree: Flowering Dogwood
  • Virginia State Flower: Dogwood
  • Virginia State Bird: Cardinal

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